Today the Department for Transport (DfT) issued a letter entitled ‘Taxi & PHV Licensing – Use of The National Register of Taxi & Private Hire Licence Revocations & Refusals (NR3)’ to licensing authorities. It concerns the national ‘Statutory Taxi & Private Hire Vehicle Standards’ published in July 2020 and its setting out of “…a range of robust measures to protect taxi and private hire vehicle passengers including the use of the National Registrar of Taxi and Private Hire Licence Revocations and Refusals (NR3)…”. Use of the register, the DfT states, offers “…a practicable way for licensing authorities to check if an applicant has had a licence refused or revoked elsewhere…”. The DfT, in speaking directing to licensing authorities, asks “…those that have not signed up or started to use NR3 to do so as soon as possible…”.
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